As a photographer you quickly learn to anticipate and pick up on the little things that give you a hint of fantastic photo opportunities to come. Whether it's that moment that your dogs pauses detecting a scent letting you know he's about to go bounding away through the field or the moment when your niece gets hold of a bottle of bubbles and a mischievous look crosses his face.
Of course no matter how much you try and anticipate, luck will always play a factor. For example at work this week it's not every day that you see Zippy, George and Bungle ( and yes I do mean the rainbow characters) in a life together. And where was I and my camera at this point? Well I was at my desk and my camera was firmly in it's bag at home
The role Luck can play in photography has been especially highlighted in two photos that have been published this week.
Now unless you've been living under a rock i'm sure you'll know who the running chap is. Now from what I can understand the photographer has set several camera's up on automatic but even so, it was luck that the camera happened to take the shot at just that moment.
Now if you know who this lady is, I'll be very surprised (and amazed). This photo shows off a prop that only nature can provide and it;s most wedding photographer would give one of their toes for ( I would say arm or legs but then it would be rather difficult to take pictures wouldn't it?)
Both photos show that with being in the right place at the right time you get something that will elevate the ordinary to the extraordinary. In both photos it has been the weather that has added that final touch to the photo. Now the wedding photo would have been awesome in it's own right but the photographers quick positioning of his subject has taken advantage of something that he could never have planned to get.
Now this is a round about away of linking back to the last portrait session I did along with my wonderful model, who was a colleague from work. Now I had imagined that most of the photos would be pretty much standard "portrait" shots. What I didn't realise was she had trained as a ballerina and started having so much fun she started to dance around.
Anticipating her moves was a interesting learning experience but the luck came in with the photo above, which is one of my favourites from that shoot as I just happened to be perfectly lined up to grab this shot as she paused before setting off on another dance sequence.
So anticipation and luck are indeed two important factors in getting a great photograph.
But you know what the most important factor is? Taking the photograph to begin with!
Later folks
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