Monday, 17 December 2012

the best laid plans of mice and men ( and photographers too)

The only plan is there is only no plan,

The road to hell is paved with good intentions,

Plan for defeat and expect victory,

Proper planning and preparation prevent .....

Well you get the idea.

If there's one thing I have learned over the past couple of years it's that no matter how good my plan, sometimes things are just not going to work out and sometimes you grand plans are going to still remain grand but unfortunately unrealised.

For example after reading a photography magazine on the way up to visit my sister and her brood ( don't worry I wasn't driving) I was inspired to try taking a series of shots involving picture frames ( and would have also involved a large amount of photoshop time but c'est la vie). I invested in two picture frames when we stopped at a shop and was all ready to go.

Unfortunately time, tide, weather and a birthday party all conspired against me and this picture frames are still sitting in their wrapping.

This wasn't the first time mind you, my first offer of paid work would have been photographing a family get together with siblings now spread across three different continents. However as it turned out near enough 2 thirds of the family came down with food poisoning and the get together was postponed until during the week when I was working my day job!


Then at work, I discovered there was a "picture of the week " competition for the company worldwide. I took several pictures after much careful planning.

As it turned out the one that was chosen ended up being a very quick snap taken using my camera phone which I had only submitted to make up the numbers.


However this is the thing with photography, if I had gotten disheartened by a failure of some plans and bad photos, my first dslr would have quickly disappeared back into it's box and joined a few things buried deep at the back of a forgotten cupboard.

It's what succeeds that counts and it's the fact that I don't know it all and I can usually always find out something new when I pick up my camera whether it's a new setting or a new way of creating a effect in camera or in photoshop, which is what keeps me going.

Well that and the thought that maybe one day it could be my day job.

It could happen :-)

Later folks

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