Tuesday, 11 December 2012

The pick of the pile 1# Jump to it

If there is one problem with digital photography ( and I hesitate to call it this mind you) it is that you don't have to be as considerate as you used to with film cameras. You can keep pressing that button and taking photos until your memory card is full and even then you can simply delete what you don't want and start again.

Now I'll freely admit that not all of my photos are perfect (far from it) but I have started to fill up my external hard drive at a rather fast pace. Which means a photo has to be something that grabs my eye before it reaches the top of the pile.

So that is all a roundabout way of saying this is a first in a series of blog posts where I will be presenting some of my best photos that have caught my eye, or other peoples eves. The first is " Jump to it".

This was one of the first occasion where the ower of my new Canon 7D met the raw energy of some of my nieces and nephews. And neither disappointed.

This guy is one of my nephews and although the picture started as all colour I decided to try colour popping using photoshop elements and this is the result. A unintentional heavy use of the burn tool created the rather dramatic sky ( it was actually quite sunny that day believe it or not). 

The 7d's fast FPS rate captured the action fantastically and it was actually this first attempt at capturing action " mid flight" after I had persuaded him to try jumping off the seat ( in my defence it didn't requite much persuading) . It was also his leap that lead to his sisters wanting a go and actually lead to my Sister and our Mum jumping off the seat as well.

Their jump was just as successful even if the landing was not. And before you ask I don't think I'll risk putting that photo up as I'm not feeling that brave! :-)

Later folks

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